Sunday, May 05, 2024

Pottering around in Parnu

Parnu is an old seaside resort town with a quiter pace of life than Riga. Soon walked through a residential district to my room. There is a hanfdul of main streets with restaurants and shops in the centre, I popped in to a a stylish cafe for a relaxed lunch, a tasty smoke chicken panini. Although at first trying the door it was locked and was walking away when somebody rushed out: "Sorry, wasn't meant to be locked!"

At the end of the main street lies a MiniZoo which houses mostly snakes. It was quiet and the owner gave my a tour, had a dry sense of humour talking about this snake won't kill you quickly, might take a month for the poision to work! Do you want to hold it?

They had an old iguana Frida, think she was 17 years old, and was out on the table enjoying some green leaves for lunch.

 Parnu river flows into Parnu Bay, which in the the Gulf of Riga and in turn the Baltic Sea. But I just wanted to go along the riverside, there a lengthy 10km walk, but I noticed a bike rental place of sorts. Really just seems to be somebody's house in which they have a bunch of bikes in the garage. Think they are more used to renting by the day and the owner wasn't sure want to change for just a loop round the riverside over two bridges. Settled on 5 euros which seemed like a good deal for me. So whizzed off Eastwards, got a bit lost trying to cross the first bridge, seemed to go inland quite a bit. Eventually found the correct path (everything is on the wrong side of the road!). Looped back around past a third bridge which is being newly built.

Just time to check out the green Parnu elephants sculptures before heading for hefty pork dinner at Edelweiss.

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